Sunday, April 20, 2008

From Orongo, looking north. The airport is in the foreground, with the town of Hanga Roa behind it. The Mataveri plateau is seen in the distance.

A mo'ai at Ahu Tahai. The only mo'ai on the island with restored eyes. The eye sockets were not carved at the quarry, but at the ahu. This is not well understood, but the placement of the eyes is believed to complete the mo'ai. Only one, partially intact, eye has been found. It is in the museum in Hanga Roa.

Some of the mo'ai at the Tahai complex. Along the west coast of the island, just north of Hanga Roa.

The top knot quarry at Puna Pao. The top knots were carved from the red scoria stone here, then moved to the final sites.
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